My dear friends we love you so very much.

Pray for the earth. She loves you so very much. The earth is alive. She is a spirit you walk upon. She is much more resiliant than you might imagine and yet like any good mother would be ever so grateful for a little love and gratitude from those she supports so unselfishly. And then dear ones after you offer up your prayers for this very beautiful spirit that does indeed support all of you, allow her spirit to nurture you in return.

Close your eyes and feel the comfort of being a tiny person here upon a huge and beautiful orb that supports you. Imagine that there are roots from the base of your feet and the base of your spine that connect deeply with the earth. As you breathe simply intend that your breathing slow down to be in synchronization with the pulsating of the earth. Slowly slowly imagine that your energy and hers breathe together. Feel the warmth, the electricity, and the sense of stability that come from her. Feel the support she offers you. Feel her energy embrace you and give you strength. Sit within this embrace as long as you need to feel comforted and loved.

If you do this very simple prayer and meditation for just a brief moment every day and you will feel a renewed sense of energy, connectedness, and a feeling that you are never alone. As you tap into the energy of the earth, you strengthen your physical body and help to calm the emotions with a sense of safety and security. As you watch your wars and earth changes, go back to mother earth and feel her all encompassing embrace. She is your teacher. As she brings what is pent up to the surface, you will want to bring your feeings to the surface as well. As she shakes off the pains of her past, you too will want to release old habits and beliefs as well. Connect with her dear ones, and receive the healing she offers you so freely.

God bless you. We love you so very much.

– The Angels

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