My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are no mistakes dear ones. There are no “wrong turns.” There is no such thing as being truly “lost” or “off the path.” In truth you are always connected to God. You are always loved. You are always guided. The question is not whether or not God loves you, or whether or not we love you. The question is simply, “Do you love yourself enough to slow down and receive what is always there for the taking?” 

So when you feel lost, slow down. Breathe. Ask us for assistance and trust what comes to your heart. When you feel you have made what you consider to be a mistake, learn from it, release it, and move on. When you feel disconnected from God, stop. Choose to do something, anything, that helps you focus on love once again. Look a a picture you enjoy. Watch a show that makes you happy. Breathe and feel the air filling your lungs. Love is everywhere.

There are no wrong turns. There are no mistakes. There is never a time you can stray from God. The sun shines behind the clouds even in the worst storms. The love of the creator is there for you no matter what you have done or not done, said or not said, who you have been or not been. Will you receive it? Will you give yourself enough love to connect to the greater love? Dear ones, nothing can disconnect you. Your entire journey here upon the earth is to help you remember and experience this one simple, and yet deeply profound truth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
— The Angels

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