My dear friends, take heart. There are great vibrations of fear coming to the surface upon your planet earth right now and yet we know these are caused by incredible waves of light. Love is “stirring up the dust” so to speak, causing things to rise up from the depths both on your Mother earth and in your human hearts.

So if you are experiencing fear, anxiety, feelings of tension, unrest, etc., you are not alone. It is simply time to embrace all that is within you and love all feelings as if you were loving the scared, upset, or anxious feelings of a little child.

Embrace yourselves dear ones. Physically. Wrap your arms around your own body and hug yourself! Say to yourself when upset and fear creeps into your mind: “Its all going to be OK. God loves you. I love you. Everything is going to be alright. You’ve done nothing wrong. You are human. You are safe. You are loved.”

Then sit quietly, feeling your feelings, whether they are “desirable” or not and in that space of pure feeling, breathe in slowly and deeply asking us – the angels – to assist you in moving these feelings through you as pure energy Just sit, feel, breathe, and receive.

We understand it is a turbulent time upon your planet and yet so much good comes from the contractions of birthing. A baby in the womb experiences both the dark and the light, the tension and the freedom…as he or she journeys into the light of a new reality. So too, your earth, your bodies, your minds, and your souls are going through the very same contraction and expansion as you birth yourselves into greater light.

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