I’ve been living this way for awhile now, tuning into my body and spirit to ask what it needed. Lately my body has been rather vehemently guiding me to strengthen my core. After the parasites in 2010 and some other health adventures last year, I got lazy. And now my body is basically saying, “Please strengthen me!” So I prayed and asked Archangel Raphael to guide me to an easy way to strengthen my core that would fit my scheduled and ta da… a day later Dr. Oz had a personal trainer on with a five minute routine that is working great for me. (If you’re interested, here’s the link). My first thought was “Five minutes can’t be that bad.” WELL, it was!! Even with great music, I couldn’t keep up with the video the first several tries, so I just did what I could at first. Now its getting easier but still makes me catch my breath. My body is thrilled! My heart is pumping, my posture is improving, and best of all I’m feeling the spiritual energy flowing through me more easily now that proper alignment is returning. Some days I don’t feel like doing this. My mind says, I’m tired. I want to plop on the couch and watch TV, or stay in bed a little longer. But my body commands me, “Move!” and so I move and soon my entire being is happy. Even my mind is starting to agree that this is a good idea!

Likewise I’ve been asking my spirit what it wants lately. “Time outdoors,” came the answer. So I’m back to breakfast on the patio with some inspirational reading or quiet time, and hikes when I can fit them in. My soul feels like singing again. There is nothing like the warm sun, the breeze, and the birds singing over breakfast! It might only take ten minutes but it fuels my spirit.

What we want IS simple. If I don’t get my exercise and time outdoors, I start to think I have other problems. I’m more tired, less productive, and less inspired. When I do this little bit of self care I feel so “full” I can easily withstand life’s more challenging moments. A lady on my facebook page, for example, wrote this week that her guides told her I was fake and that she was sad about it, but her guidance always right and that she didn’t have time for this sh$!. I was in such a good space it was easy to simply write and say that I totally supported her in honoring her guidance, that it simply meant I wasn’t right for her, and that didn’t take it personally. When we fill ourselves up, and take care of ourselves, it is so much easier to be loving and gracious than if we ignore the needs of our own body and soul. This little 15 minutes of self care a day does wonders.

In my work with clients over the years I find that people get lonely and needy far more easily when they don’t listen to their own bodies, and souls. They want someone else to “make it better,” but the funny part is, we can “make it better” for ourselves and be happier people right now. In that space we are more capable of attracting good in our lives than from that other space. And if you’re looking for someone, wouldn’t you rather meet someone who takes care of themselves and is happy rather than someone who is miserable and wants you to fix their lives? Why not take care of your own spirit and be the happy person who has joy to share?

I know it takes overcoming inertia and mental programming to do something good for yourself at times. I know it isn’t easy to put yourself first. But if you fill it, you can spill it, and when you take a little time to nourish body and soul, you will be so much more capable of sharing with the rest of the people in your lives. Stop for that little break amidst your errands. Take time to smell the roses if you walk by them. Take a second to really feel the sun on your face, or the breeze on your back. Call that friend when they pop into your mind. Write that loving and grateful email to a friend even if you’re worried about what they might think. Its your life, your heart, and these are your precious moments to spend.

What if you got a dollar for every second spent in a loving way and lost a dollar for every second spent in an unloving way. Would you be rich or poor?

So try to tune into your body and soul this week and ask them what they need. The answers are always simple, always things you can do for yourself, always things that CAN fit your life if you are willing. Give up the excuses for not listening to your internal guidance and give yourself a little love. See how it makes you feel 🙂 You might just be surprised.

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