I cannot imagine life without my angels! I know and experience often, that we are all part of One, but having a human-like Presence and personalityto chat with, to work out the stirrings of my heart, and to call on for help is a very great comfort. They delight, inspire, comfort, and coach me. Sometimes they just give me presents. I had to learn to be open to all that.

When I started working with angels I put them on a pedestal. I was embarrassed to ask for help when I wasn’t in the holiest space. I had a friend who did this too. He would come for readings all dressed up and I rarely saw him dress up. “What’s the occasion,” I’d ask? “I’m here to talk to the angels,” he’d say. I’d giggle. “They see you in your bare essence,” I reminded him! I knew I was also reminding myself.

Now I come to them exactly as I am. In my beautiful glorious moments, we celebrate the victory of love! In my deeply human and pained moments, I asked for comfort. When I’m upset I joke, “I’m going to burn your ears… please put a bubble around me and recycle what I’m about to unload!”They can turn our darkness to light if we love ourselves enough to ask.

It took me years to fully understand that angels don’t “decide” which prayers are worthy of a response. Our prayers, to them, are the energy we put out, not the words, and they answer every loving energy we emit. You could be in the throes of hell and ask for comfort, or assistance in getting a new perspective, and that single cry for love would be answered to the degree we allow for it.

They have taught me however, that we must partner with them and do our part. We must be open to receiving their help – open in our energy, not just in our words. We must focus on the outcomes we want rather than the problems. This is one big example of how that works…

A few years back when I was getting psychically attacked, I asked Archangel Michael, “Why can’t you prevent this!” He lovingly answered my question, “You have free will and you are so focused on this fearful reality that we drive it away but your energy magnetizes it right back. Ask us to help you with your own fear instead and we can bolster your light, your trust in God, and then you can more permanently repel the darkness.”

I asked for that sort of help. I asked to find compassion for the soul sending such negativity. When the angels helped me find the love, the attacks stopped. They had no more power over me. Now, every now and then when the energies that like to dim my light come around, I just sit, breathe, focus on God’s light and wait for the angels to escort those energies out. I am no longer clinging to them with my fear.

Likewise when someone else’s behavior is hurtful, I as the angels to help me see them with compassion through God’s eyes and to help me focus back on my joy. I sit, breathe, and receive until I’m able to do so. Those prayers are answered so much more easily than “Get that that person to change!” If others don’t want to use their free will to change, the angels are bound to honor their free will. Far better to ask for our own internal changes.

Working with angels is truly a partnership, and a beautiful one at that. As you realize that all your loving intentions, requests, and prayers are supported you’ll feel more and more loved. As you open to the fact that you are loved, you open up to receive more assistance. A positive spiral begins the minute you ask for help.

Here are some pointers this week to help you work more effectively with your angels

1. Ask for help with your day

Every morning when you first wake up, ask for help with everything you’d like assistance with that day. Imagine your best day and ask the angels to help you have that or better. See what shows up!

I give my angels a “honey do” list every morning 🙂

2. Ask for help with what you do want, not what you don’t

The minute you have a problem in your life, ask for help with the solution. The minute you have a conflict ask for help with healing. The minute you feel discomfort, ask to be comforted.

Focus on what it would feel like to have your desired outcome. This opens up your energy field to receive assistance. Otherwise your words are asking for the solution but your energy is tuned into the problem, and till drawing it back to you.

If you wanted to dial your friend but kept dialing your unpleasant coworker, all the wifi and cell phone power in the world wouldn’t help you get a good connection.

We dial into our answered prayers by focusing on them. Then the angels can boost our signal and create the connection.

3. Sit. Breathe. Receive

I know I say this every other newsletter, but there is no easier way to work with angels than breathing while requesting that they adjust your energy to be happier, more abundant, more loving.

Try it a few minutes a day, asking for any specific outcome you want before and then just relaxing, breathing, and letting the angels adjust your energy.

They can tune us into what we want in much the same way a radio is dialed into a specific station.

Working with your angels isn’t hard. Even if you don’t hear them, they’re there. They’ll find ways to get through. I’ve had license plate messages, songs on the radio, billboards, internet articles that pop up… you name it! They’re highly creative in guiding and assisting.

Even when they can’t bring what I thought I wanted, I realize they are always working to give me what I really want, deep down. When I’m not able to focus on what I want, they help me get my mind and energy back in the right space.

They’re always there, for every person who is willing to ask.

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