It is hard to believe today is Christmas Eve. It is a quieter holiday for me this year. The broken toe and the big plumbing repair right before my Christmas party made me simplify my holiday preparations. Even so, the seasons has been filled with love. The music from the concert I sponsored in early December continues to lift my heart. The plumbers were fantastic. I had friends over with holes still in the walls and it didn’t matter. What mattered was the camaraderie, the friendship, and the laughter.

Holidays don’t always look like we expect them to look. I admit I am a huge fan of the Norman Rockwell / Martha Stewart picture of the holidays. I love to decorate, bake, and have friends over. And while all that is incredibly fun, the real beauty of the holidays is the time spent in love. Love is everywhere. You can love your friends, your pets, your plants, your homes, the sunset, the rain, the sun, and the clouds. You can love a stranger, a display of beautiful lights, or a good meal. You can love a wonderful holiday movie, or a good laugh. Most importantly, you can love yourself and you can love God. It doesn’t require a Normal Rockwell / Martha Stewart setting to feel love, although that is one way we can create that experience. Love is everywhere. Every one of us is seeking love and in reality, love is there for us at all times. I think God wants us to open the BIG Present of his love by being Present and seeing it all around us.

So at Christmas, or during the holidays, no matter whether you celebrate or not, no matter whether you are surrounded by family or spending the day alone, there is always love. Seek it. Be it. Give it to yourself. Spend time asking God to feel it. The angels have taught me that receiving their love is a gift to them, because they love to give it. If you are with friends and family, enjoy the camaraderie, and if you are alone, do something sweet for yourself. Whether your finances are great or small, there is still love

May the peace and the joy of the holiday season fill your hearts. May you always know you are special and precious, and that all of you are deeply and dearly loved.

Merry Christmas!
Love and hugs,

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