You are safe, loved, and always, eternally guided towards a life of greater love! Your guidance is never given to you as a well laid out plan. You may be given an overview of your future creations and even ideas as to how they can evolve, but your guidance as to “what to do next” will arrive only in each moment.

So for example, you may get a feeling, “I am going to move, create a new business then meet someone!” You may get a general feel as to where you are moving and what kind of house you will live in. You may have ideas about the kind of business and/or relationship you wish to create. You may even receive visions or feelings about these things. In your human terms, these are “previews” – chances to look at a possible future and say, “Yes Dear God! This is what I wish to create,” or perhaps, “I’d like to change a few things before we go down that road.”

These ideas, visions, and feelings are your blueprints. Tweak them! Modify them. Get them the way you like them and then own your creations dear ones… for when you are able to truly own what you want, that is when the guidance will start to arrive.

We know many of you will ask, “What if I don’t know what I want?” Well, dear ones to some degree you always do! You know how you want to feel. For example you may know only that you wish to live in a place that has a small town feel but close to a big city. Or you may wish to live in the countryside, or in the heart of a city. You may not care about locale – you may only know that you wish to live someone affordable, beautiful to you, and with nice neighbors, or no neighbors. Write down what you DO know. Write down the feelings that matter. Write down as much as you are clear about. Then start there. Some of you know exactly what type of relationship you want, what type of business you want, others just know you want to be happy! You want the love of your life, or a business that pays the bills and expresses your heart. Start there. The detail with which you specify your creations does not matter. What does matter is that you “own” the parts of them that do matter to you!

Then dear ones, trust each moment. Trust when you get the urge to do something, that is a step on your path. When you feel strongly that you do not want to do something, that is also guidance… in the moment. We in the heavens always guide you… in the moment… on the path of greater love towards the destination you have chosen.

In reality, no matter what you create, you are all striving to create a loving reality. You just choose to express and experience that in different ways. So stop trying to figure out “the best path,” “the right path,” “your purpose,” “your ideal life,” and just drop into your hearts and see what you find in there right here and right now. Then commit to that internally.

If right now your heart says “I want to find time to have a nap,” then commit to that. Dear angels help me find time to have a nap!” If you want a cup of coffee then dear ones, commit to that, “Dear angels, I’d like a cup of coffee…” You may get the urge to go to your kitchen and make one; to stop at a store. Someone may give you a gift of a cup of coffee. See how and when the urge shows up! See how your creation makes you feel.

If you’d like your entire life to change so you can be happy, commit to that. “Dear God, Dear angels, show me how to change my life so I can be truly happy.” Take one step at a time as the urge arises. In all things great and small, when the desire arises from your heart, commit to it and then take one guided step at a time as the urges arise. Walk down the road. If you change your mind, we will change with you!

We love you dear ones. You are equal with the angels. We are all born of one love. You are on the earth striving to understand that you are made of this love. You are creating things, situations, relationships, experiences, all for one purpose – to explore your relationship with this love. The form does not matter… the love does. And we love you enough to help you explore love and to guide you to it… in any form you choose!

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